does anyone have experience with using web services between swfs and Actionscript versions?
I have an old complex application i’d prefer not to have to fully update in as2, so i export it as AS1 for flash player 6. But now i need to add web service use into it. What i’m trying is to make a web service swf in which i write all the functions that handle the web services. Then i load this web service swf into the main/as1 swf as an external movie clip, then i try to call the web service functions in the external swf from the main swf.
It’s not working at all - whether i export the main movie clip as AS1 or 2. So even with both swfs exported with AS2 & flash player 7, though i can read some values in the loaded swf, I cannot call the functions that deal with the web services.
any help would be much appreciated,