Webpage layout

I can’t figure out which layouts to use ~.~

The most common seems to be the tables… but so many tables get so complicated, I can’t figure out which table is which (even with labling) >.<

Does anyone have tips on how layouts should be done? Or how to be more organized >_<

tables are for eating off. css is for web based layout.
look at csszengarden to be inspired - ZERO tables :stuck_out_tongue:

I kow I’m going to start an argument lol but. I think:
what ever suits you best, and what you feel you have best knowledge with. If you know tables, and are confident, use them, if not, don’t. Css, if you think you can, and vise versa as long as it works, though you need to keep compatibilty across all browsers

Rofl Codemonkey.

Well, I’ll try to learn the css style first and maybe practice on how to make tables more… legible in code form. Thanks for the replies everyone :slight_smile: