Weird HTML Display with TextField.embedFonts = true

Ok, so at first this sounds very simple and perhaps even easy, but I have hit a wall which I have been unable to break through in the past 2 days. Calling all Flash

 pros please. :)

Essentially, what I am trying to do is to load HTML content from an XML file and put it in a TextField object I create dynamically.  After all this is done, clicking on a button fades the TextField object out and another TextField with new content appears.

I've got the whole process working fine, including the fading.  And to get the fading to work, I've actually had to set my dynamic TextField objects' embedFonts property to TRUE.

[U]**Now here's the hiccup:**[/U]

**When embedFonts is FALSE**, Flash displays the TextField's HTML content properly.  The text flows properly and looks as expected.  The only downside is that the fade effect doesn't work.

**When embedFonts is TRUE**, the fade effects works perfectly, but Flash displays the TextField's HTML content with a bunch of extra spaces between some of the letters.  The line height seems to be different also.

The odd thing is that when I debug the code to look at the styles, in both instances of embedFonts set to TRUE or FALSE, the styles are exactly the same.  But Flash is rendering the HTML with different kerning and line height in each of the scenarios.

Has anyone ran into this situation and if yes, have you managed to find a solution for it?

Any help is much appreciated.

P.S. Using Flash 8, AS 2