Weird problems when trying to jump to differit frames using variable

Hello guys,

I’m not new to Flash MX and I wouldn’t have asked but this is taking
me a ridicolous amount of time to debug and I bet it’s something
simple. I’m not sure what’s happening here and why it doesn’t work:

 if(secti=="BriefBiography") { gotoAndPlay(2);}
 else if (secti=="AboutUs") { gotoAndPlay(3); }
 else if (secti=="SucceedWithUs") { gotoAndPlay(4); }
 else if (secti=="ScreeningAndRecords") { gotoAndPlay(5); }
 else if (secti=="Vission_And_Mission") { gotoAndPlay(6); }
 else if (secti=="How_We_Operate") { gotoAndPlay(7); }
 else if (secti=="Contact_Us") { gotoAndPlay(8); }

It won’t just jump to any of those frames! I’m reading the variable
from a php file, however, for testing purposes I defined it
internally. I also trace it and it’s good. But it won’t just go and
play that frame. Each of those frame has a stop(); and a movieclip (a
simple image).

Any ideas? o.O

(Using Flash MX 2004 with Actionscript 2.0)
