Welcome to scrolling hell

i’m having the worst time trying to get a horizontal scrollbar to work properly. i’m not able to properly set the bounds of what scrolls and would SO appreciate any help. here’s my problems:

when the handle is halfway across the track, the content is at the end.
when you scroll back to (what should be) the beginning, the content doesn’t go all the way to the beginning…

i’m near my wits end and am posting here in desperation…really.

this is the code that i’m using:

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;


var minScroll:Number = 0;
var maxScroll:Number = track.width-handler.width;
var draging:Boolean = false;
var bounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle(handler.x,handler.y,maxScroll,0);
handler.buttonMode = true;

function beginDrag(event:MouseEvent):void {
draging = true;
function endDrag(event:MouseEvent):void {
draging = false;

function checkingProgress(event:Event):void {
var procent:Number = handler.x/maxScroll;
if (draging) {

if it helps to look at the whole file, i’ve uploaded it here:

sorry it’s a big file (13 meg)…i’m under a ton of pressure and aren’t able to break it down…if you open the swf, click on the examples button to see the scroller from hell to better understand what i’m talking about. inthe .fla file, the script is on frame 31.

i really really would appreciate any help…thanks in advance-a