Welcome Trevor

I dont Jeff, but theres probely sombody out there, polishing there rifle :smiley:

probely? :lol:

^:lol:lol typo its probably nokrev.
[whisper]I did not edit my post[/whisper]

Actually, it’s probably. :wink:


so when is this “trevor” going to make an appearance?(-:

welcome to A REAL PERSON from nokrev School (-:

SHHH You aren’t suppossed to know about my secret weapon!

Join the revolution.

When he gets on AIM. :frowning:

creates another user

Hey look I found a REAL PERSON that likes macs too!

[SIZE=“1”]he ummm… uhh… just dosent like to talk much, and for some reason when he signs in it signs me off [/SIZE]


I don’t know what to say… he hasn’t talked to me all weekend.


not to hurt anyone’s feelings or anything, but this name suddenly reminded me of this: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/magical+trevor/ :stuck_out_tongue: enjoy.

I think this person is made up and Nokrev just want attention. I’m not buying into this scam at all!

^:lol: nice one skinny_T!