
Hey I’ve been looking around kirupa.com for a while now, using the tutorials etc., but never really wanted to join the forum. Well I decided to eventually, nice place you’ve got here :slight_smile:

Anyway might as well post a little something about me:

Name: Alan
Interests: Photoshop; I do a wide range of designing, from web design (Currently redesigning my site, and made the forum and site design for solidsnakedesigns.com) to pixel art (One of my best pixel works). Gaming (I love most games… except Halo :P, UT for me :D).

That’ll do :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I’m just learning Flash, so don’t flame me when I ask you thousands of questions… :wink:

Only joking :P, I won’t ask thousands

… maybe just a few hundred :wink:

Anyway just thought I’d say hey. :slight_smile:

well looky here, a new guy :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome to the boards! :thumb:

Hi Alan, welcome to the boards!

I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself a lot here :thumb:

Yeah its a great place to start the morning off when you don’t want to work. This area at least. Its a real soap opera here. :wink:

ok ive determined that all of the smileys used in his first post look like the big dipper turned sideways -



Thanks all :smiley:


[size=1]It’s funny because it’s true :cap: [/size]

dont get addicted… well thats not possible… dont get TOO addicted :). thats gonna take some work tho. hehe. :cubs:

Welcome to the best forum on the net!