What am I losing with "mxmlc + emacs + make" environment?


In order to be able to work with video/sound on client-side I started learning ActionScript 3.0 some days ago. I haven’t written a lot of ActionScirpt up to now, so I need some suggestions.

What I’m going to do is to make something like vimeo video-player (vimeo.com) using mxmlc + emacs + make only.

You may wonder why I don’t use well-known convenient IDEs like Adobe Flash CS, FDT or Flash Develop. I have already taken a look at them. I find them cool, but they aren’t supposed to be used under Linux.

Fortunately, Adobe has released ActionScript 3.0 compiler (mxmlc) which works under Linux (I’ve already checked it - it works!). What is important is that folks from Adobe made it free for use.

Although it’s possible to write small toylike samples (look at what I’ve just written: http://gist.github.com/65969), I worry that there will be problems when writing things more difficult than “Hello world”. My problem is that I cannot predict such problems, because I haven’t got enough experience in ActionScript.

Can you explain me what will not be possible in case I use such a plain text environment?

In other words, is it possible to make vimeo-like player using tools listed above?
