What are your work/project/design/etc. resolutions for 2017?

Mine is to be less lazy about answering this question. Iā€™ll keep updating this list shortly :stuck_out_tongue:

Focusing primarily on KIRUPA:

  1. Format all code snippets using prismJS
  2. Send a newsletter out at least twice a month
  3. Write at least one article (or record a video!) a week
  4. Try not to ignore Twitter and Facebook for long periods of time.
  5. Fix the bunch of mobile site issues that keep re-occuring

Traffic and engagement are the primary ways I would measure the success of all of this. Traffic to the site has doubled year-over-year, and I hope to continue thatā€¦if not increase that :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Kirupa :smile:

Iā€™ve been doing and failing at protein engineering. I resolve to make it work!

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5120 Ɨ 2880. After I saw one of my current monitors being used as an old-relic-from-the-past prop in Westworld, I decided I needed to recycle them all and get new ones.

It turns out that 5K support is kind of a mess, though. Thunderbolt 3 can send two DisplayPort 1.2 streams to assemble a 5K stream, but, bafflingly, it doesnā€™t support DP 1.3, which was standardized in 2014 and can do 5K60.

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Iā€™ll be trying to complete a vehicle restoration while performing a motor swap on another.

That and perhaps starting a family. Nothing really tech-related, haha.

I would like to get my hands on one of those 5k displays some day! Not this year though.

I upgraded from 1080 to a 27inch QHD as my main monitor about a year ago, it really made my desk a better place to be. I want to say i only paid like $250 on amazon. I suppose a 4k screen is probably my next affordable step up

I have been entertaining the idea of making a quick video tutorial on my unprofessional work flow using some completely free game creation tools and assets for 2D. I dont really have time so i probably never will but it would be something like:

mixamo/fuse characters >blender > png sequence > sprite sheets
Bitmat font generator, starling, feathers, AIR, flash developā€¦ other free 3d assets

The free 3d assets are key. So many free animations already done

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After being frustrated with every reference manager I can find, I think I might learn C# and develop a UWP app.

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I think you just explained why people who publish in CS tend not to use reference managers. Besides ARC or GC. :upside_smile:

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Haha, it took me some googling before I got that :wink:

It took so long I started working on your tombstone!

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Thanks for the help on that one!

I have a branch of an automation library (nightwatch) that I never finished that I need to get back to working on. It refactors/rewrites much of its test method/hooks calling mechanism fixing a bunch of problems it has there. The problem is: I put a lot of work into it already, thereā€™s still a lot of work yet to be done, the changes involved are likely to cause some big backwards compatibility issues, and the maintainer (just one) of the library isnā€™t big on bringing in a lot of changes, especially big, confusing, backwards-incompatible ones, all of which this one is (but it fixes like 30 open issues!).

If/when I ever get that done, Iā€™d like to work on something for myself, something I havenā€™t done much of recently. I was thinking maybe some kind of simple web-based animation tool (not far out of line with what kirupa has been doing lately!).

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Unprofessional / unconventional workflows are the best kinds of workflows! :stuck_out_tongue: You should totally do a video on that.

Sen - a web-based animation tool sounds really nice! To be fair, Iā€™ve actually never worked on a web-based animation tool. My animation tooling days are about 3 years behind me. It all ended when my team decided to focus on cross-platform iOS / Android / Windows tools instead :slight_smile:

I was thinking more about the web animation side of things, not so much tooling :wink:

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Wait so i dont understand from that last comment, u are thinking of making a tool, or somethibg else?

It does sound like a fun idea, like a mini simple web based future wave like tool. Export animated gifs or something.

But with apes. Because people like apes

yeah. Something simple, probably not very practical.

Im interested. I mean ill sit back, watch and contribute nothing but i would like to see it.

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I actually do have a real goal for this year of working on this project i started so so long ago. I was heavily in to it ā€œrecentlyā€ with a rutine something like after work daily mon-thurs, pass out, work friday, pass out, then project all weekend. My brother came to visit from California so i put it down for the week to get super drunk all that time, obviously.

Anyway big mistake

Just started back in to it a week ago. Last file i worked on is dated February 2016!

So i cant say i have an end goal planned. But somehow i want to set a goal to keep doing something, anything, and not let more than a frw days pass or else im doomed. Otherwise im very excited to jump on it every day