Hi all,
I would like your honest opinion about site I recently launch. It is site for software advertising similar to download.com and something more. Now i am working on new version(more functions,
graphic detail…) i plan to post for about 3-4 weeks. Please tell me what do you think how should I improve my site, what should I change,post or remove. Keep in mind that this is one man job, I am programmer,designer I constantly updating databases and working on some improvements. I tested site in ie6,ie7,ie8,firefox,safari,gchrome,flock,avant,Maxthon on windows platform, but if you see any bug please tell me where and in which browser you can reproduce it. If it is important site is hosted in Ohio,USA.
I know that site is new and still need to be working on but please tell me what do you think.All criticism,suggestions,questions are welcomed.
Visit site by falowing this link http://www.frostapps.com/