What email program do you use? do you think best?

I use Thunderbird and am thinking to switch to something that I can use with ease… something more comfortable.
Maybe I should go back to outlook express… maybe not

any suggestion?

I use Outlook Express because it can check my hotmail. That’s the only reason why, really.

Office Outlook? That’s what I use for my pop3 emails.

And, check out Eudora.


believe it or not, i use the standart Hotmail stuff, and my server’s webmail to check al my rvgate.nl

i really dislike outlook… to much functions for sending simple mails…

I don need no program :to:

At home the freebie in Netscape. Here at work we have to use Outlook.

Telnet :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, only joking. I use either Novell Evolution or Thunderbird, depending on which OS I’m using.

I have around 9 (active) email accounts (which reminds me, I need to check some of them) all of which are web based and all of which I can access from any computer with virtually any browser without the need for any mail app. Its bliss.

I use Outlook… but lately AVG has been screwing something up, every time i open Outlook or look at a message it says it’s missing a .DLL in the Grisoft/AVG folder… :frowning:

I use Outlook.

Yeah, but that’s sloooooow :stuck_out_tongue:

That is slow. All of mine can be accessed from the web, but that just takes a long time. My Gmail account is the only account I use that doesn’t get checked by Outlook.

Im not complaining :tie:

Hmmm…Lets see

POP3 through comcast Using Outlook
Outlook POP3 @ mydomain
Lotus Notes at work
AOL Account for newsletters/junkmail
And MSN for good measure


I used to use Outlook Express, but now I only use gmail for the site and another web-based mail service for my college e-mails. Web-based programs save me the hassle of backing up and restoring my e-mails after a format or something :slight_smile:

ah, gmail or webmail they are blocked here at work.

ahhh I see,… hmm prolly I’ll switch to outlook… or maybe eudora… how do you think of eudora compared to outlook?

Netscape Communicator. Pretty helpful. I only register pop3 accounts so I can use them with netscape…

The only thing that sucks with it is the spam filters which are not customizable enough.

Thunderbird 0.7.3

It does feel kinda dodgy at times… but I’d rather use it than Outlook Express.