Hi, I’m new here and to AS3. I’ve got a book that is laying it all down nicely for me, however, there is this :e that I can’t find an explanation for. Here it is in line 2 of the following:
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, starRotate);
function starRotate(e:Event):void
if (star_mc.x < stage.stageWidth)
star_mc.rotation += 5;
star_mc.x = 0;
I’ve accidentally typed “event” a few times and found it when rechecking the code for my copious errors, but that’s never been the issue. Why does it work both ways, when “event” turns blue and :e stays black? anything and everything you can tell me about it will be greatly appreciated.
I know it’s a super newbie question and weird that I care but it’s these small details in all things that distract me from the greater picture. Please, help me to stop thinking about this!!! thanks so much