What is Global Registers is OFF

what if the Global Registers is Off, how to I do the variables thing?

is it only $HTTP_POST_VARS[‘var’] or their are some other shorter ways???

thanks again…

* Support for register_globals Off code

$raw = phpversion();
list($v_Upper,$v_Major,$v_Minor) = explode(".",$raw);

if (($v_Upper == 4 && $v_Major < 1) || $v_Upper < 4) {


save as “globalsfix.php” (or whatever name you want) and then INCLUDE in your other scripts.
code once, use many :slight_smile:

wow! i think i get it…

can u give me an example of use it? like when i use the variable, how?

$_post[‘Var’] = “this is a var”;


print $_post[‘Var’];

nice! thanks :smiley:

*Originally posted by eyezberg *

if (($v_Upper == 4 && $v_Major < 1) || $v_Upper < 4)

I could be totally off here, but shouldn’t you be setting the $v_Major to < 2.
I thought register_globals was turned off in 4.2.
…maybe I just need another cup of coffee.

should be 2


change 2 2 lol :wink:
good eyeZ !

kool! now i can do $_POST[‘var’] isntead of typing the looonnggg $HTPP_POST_VARS[‘var’]…