What type of file is .iso?

Hi, I have a .iso file I am not sure how I get it to run/install.

Any ideas on what I should do with it, and what application I should open it with (if any) ?

and .iso file is an exact image of a cd-rom

You need to burn the iso onto a blank with a program that can burn cd images onto a cd

For insatnace if you had a game you wanted to make a backup install copy of you can create an iso of it.

I know Ez-CD Creater can do it.

Like Fester said, it’s a CD image and you can burn it to a CD-R with a lot of programs. My favourite is Nero Burning ROM.

If you just want to see what’s on the CD, I think WinRar can open an ISO-file.

You can also create a ‘virtual cd-rom drive’ with Daemon-tools (http://www.daemon-tools.cc/) where you get an extra drive in your computer that works just like a CD-ROM drive. You can then ‘mount’ your ISO file and use it as you would any CD-ROM, but without actually burning a copy.

All the above assumes that you’re on a Windows machine.

in other words, the file you ‘shared’ from ‘a friend’ was a copy of a CD…

cute way of asking for the prog to ‘decode’ it…



an ISO file isn’t illegal, depends on what’s in it :wink:

Total Commander can view ISO files too.

I didn’t say it was illegal. I said he ‘shared’ it … no implications meant…

just a good natured jab was all.


Use direct connect to download (NOT SHARE _, dling is still legal ;>) almost anything!
A lot of hrm… nice isos there…

I would also say that you use .iso or bin/cue to compress files. Like .rar or .zip for example.

Hope this helps… http://filext.com/detaillist.php?extdetail=iso

If you download RedHat Linux for instance, that comes in ISO files.

do a search for a program called ISObuster

it extracts .iso and .bin files like winZip does to zip files.

then you don’t waste a CD:beam:

if you have a virtual drive (like daemon) you can mount an image to it and run it like you’ve burned onto a cd…only you don’t have to waste a cd.


thanks for responses :slight_smile: