I am having trouble with making this site.
I made the main swf that will contain links to load all the other external swf’s. That part works fine, it loads the other swf’s and stuff. The external swf i am making has the following code on a bar on the bottom:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if((_root._xmouse<= 920) && (_root._ymouse<=450))
_root.bar._x -= 3
_root.bar._x -= 0
this works fine when i test the movie by itself. But when i load this movie as a external swf it doesn’t work. it loads but the bar at the bottom doesn’t move.
I think it is doing this because the _xmouse and _ymouse are now looking at the main movie clip and not the external movie. Is there any way to redirect the _xmouse and _ymouse properties to the external movie clip? I.e. something like _root.details._xmouse ( where details is the name of the external movie clip)?
if you need the fla’s tell me.