test 1 - works fine in IE, Safari etc… not Firefox
// Get the kookie
var my_so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("kookie", "/");
// Get the user of the kookie and go to the frame number saved for this user.
if (my_so.data.intro != "done") {
// call this rememberme function to know the intro has been played
function rememberme() {
test 2 - same story only it “works” in Firefox- only for some reason it skips to frame 64 instead of 92
obj_ft = SharedObject.getLocal("runfirstime", "/");
//function setFirst() {
obj_ft.data.firstime = "run";
if (obj_ft.data.firstime != "run") {
trace("that' s the firtstime we meet!");
// this will be shown in the first time
} else {
// this will be shown after refesh
trace("hey - i know ya");
seriously - I’ve been trying to figure this out for much longer than I wanted to. I have searched here and googled for more info- has no one else run into this?