Whats up with GetDefinitionByName()?

Background info : I’m trying to be able to load the shape of a fruit and the color of the fruit as two separate Sprites from a SWC file using the name distinguish which Sprite to load.

This is so I can have a apple shape with orange skin or the other way around. Im hoping this well make it easy down the line to simply add the texture of a strawberry but have it masked on an banana shape or any other shape.

From my understanding this code

tempClass = getDefinitionByName(_model._skin.name) as Class;        
_skin = new tempClass();
tempClass = getDefinitionByName(_model._body._structure.name) as Class;        

_body = new tempClass();

Gives me this ->


ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable Apple_Skin is not defined.
at global/flash.utils::getDefinitionByName()
at classes.creature.mvc::View()
at classes::Main()
at battleproto_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


unless I have the names of the classes explicitly written out before like so

Apple_Skin;    //green color Sprite        
Apple_Body;      //apple shape

Orange_Skin;   //orange colored sprite
Orange_Body   //orange shape
tempClass = getDefinitionByName(_model._skin.name) as Class;        
_skin = new tempClass();
tempClass = getDefinitionByName(_model._body._structure.name) as Class;        

_body = new tempClass();

I’d like to be able to easily add to the list of fruits but I dont want to manually type out each one. Is there an easier way to handle this so it wont be so cluttered? Thanks in advance wise ones :yoda:

:mu: DaChillWizard :mu: