Ok, with my complete lack of knowledge with JS, i need some help. I’m validating a form. this is the code.
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1">
function checknull(myObj) {
return myObj.value == "";
function validateForm(frm) {
var errormsg = new Array();
if (checknull(frm.subject.value == "")) {
errormsg[errormsg.length] = "Please enter a Subject.";
if (checknull(frm.htmlver.value=="")) {
errormsg[errormsg.length] = "Please enter an HTML version of the letter.";
if (checknull(frm.textver.value=="")) {
errormsg[errormsg.length] = "Please enter an TEXT version of the letter.";
if (errormsg.length > 0) {
alert("Sorry, we cannot continue because of the following:
" + errormsg.join("
return false;
} else {
return true;
Then on the form, i have this.
onSubmit=“return validateForm(document.email);”
I’m so stuck.
any help?