What's you Favorite Quote?

Well ive compiled a list of quotes that ive made up over a few months, (you can read them in my flash footer) and it got me thinking, “What are other people’s favorite quotes”. I’d like to see them, and hope to keep it going as to maybe some quote will inspire or get people to think or change for the better. (of couse i think big hehe)

What’s your Favorite quote?

the format is simple, " <my fav quote " - <author>
and if you have a link to where the quote can be found that’d be great too. if not thats cool. If you cant remember the name, look it up and if it cant be found just put unknown.

Remember, these quotes can be from anywhere so “Behave yourself!” - My Grandma works too =)

my Favorit quote is:
“A Dream while asleep is merely a dream, but a Dream while awake will become reality” - Unknown