Whats your Opinion? _blank window vs. _parent

I prefer to keep the action in one browser window. In addition to cluttering up the desktop, all the new windows and/or pop-ups are gnawing away at your system resources.

(This can be deadly if you already have several aps open, and are in the middle of, say, composing a long email in OE, and decide to call up char map because your laptop keyboard makes using special characters practically impossible. As you might infer, I’ve been down that rocky row more than once recently.)

For the windows that keep popping back up, like on my free angelfire web page, I simply drag them to the bottom of my desktop with just th title bar showing, and dismiss them later.

My webpage tries to force linked pages to run within my frames, so that my navigational tools remain visible. However, some pages have code which breaks the frames of the calling page, and you have to use your browser’s ‘back’ button (sometimes 2-3x in rapid succession) to get back to where you were. a few sites have code which won’t let you do this with the ‘back’ button.

For awhile this trend (breaking frames) was getting to be prevelant, but now I notice that many sites are getting away from this trend, and not breaking the frames of the calling site.

For those that do, I’m in the process of including some simple JavaScript to force those pages to open in a new window.

OK, I admit it: I’m selfish and greedy and want to keep the action at my website, and retain my rare visitors.

I am getting highly irritated with the pop-ups that Angefire imposes on me, so I suppose I’ll have to break down one of these days and active my domain at www.splinx.com, now idle. My intention is to include much more Flash content when this happens. Obviously, I’ve got a lot of study/work ahead of me.

Web hosting suggestions anyone?

In the meanwhile, please drop by my WEBSITE and scope the scene there, and also check out my ongoing adventures with that pesky Flash engine animation.

Once I get that all sorted out, I have some good ideas simmering for some other projects which I hope will be educational and useful as I continue my efforts to bridge the chasms between art, technology and science.
