When the browser is resized, how do I make the movie resize?

When the browser is resized, how do I make the movie resize?

I made this page here:

in the HTML parameters, I put width 100% and height 100% and in the .swf file I have:
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “TL”;

That helps make my objects not get stretched out, and the align code to help position my items.

Now, I notice if I were to shrink or make my browser stretch out. The swf doesn’t resize on it’s own to fill the space when larger or resize when you shrink the browser width/height. I’ve been told to use a listener, but I have no idea how it works, I’ve tried putting in scripts with no luck.

If you have a 2.0 script or can help me here I’d appreciate it!


Here’s my theory:

Some AS2.0 script loop that Checks to see if the browser width/height has been changed.
If change detected,


object_mc._x = Stage.width/2;

in other words, it’ll reset the stage to match the browser’s new width/height

and then my object_mc will change it’s x coordinate to match half the stage’s width as it was doing originally.


Found it in the Flash help!
var stageListener:Object = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = function() {

–put all your movieclip positions scales and stuff here –
–then close off with the following: –


ta da it works!