Where can I get sound effects?

I’m working on my first webpage and I was wondering if anyone knew some good sites to get free sound effects that you would put on a website from. I’m just talking about little stuff like mouse over a button and things like that.

  1. www.flashkit.com

  2. http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13133

Have fun.


You can try the sound search engine as well.


New avatar EG? Very nice. I like the buffness.


No it’s not new, it’s one of the mini mods I created awhile ago.

Nice. I don’t get one thing though. Why is his left arm more buff than his right?


Flip the image and it will be the other way around, it’s the angle you’re looking at it appears that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

It feels bigger with the left hand…




