Where is everybody?

Phil, conferm this. I havent seen a ton of people around this weekend. What do you pages on pages of spi reports tell you about attendance in the last week?

i would of been on here more but i was grounded:rambo:

yeah, i usually dont get board in my d&d section (yes i have taken it over! MWHAHAHAHAHA!) or in Phil’s Random (phil can have it, and mak can help, its to much work for me, after all i am only WDIT!)

Yeah I noticed it too, lately the regulars haven’t been coming and I’m seeing a lot of newbies so I’m curious as well.

Oh yeah Alex, I’m grounding you so you have no choice but to post on the forum. hahaha :evil:

I think everyone is just getting back into the swing of things - be it work, school, sitting on the couch, etc… I know for me its school starting up again last week.

Plus the times right after (not to mention before) the holidays are notoriously busy (at least always for me and peeps I associate with)!


Oh man don’t remind me about school, I just started my new semester and my schedule is totally fckd up so I have to work less hours which mean less income. :-\

That sucks EG.

All my friends go back to school tomorrow.

Either way, I too have noticed the lack of regulars lately.

That sucks big ones geek! I know how you feel, but not this quarter… I was able to construct (and actually get into all the needed classes) a pretty sweet schedual for me this quarter… although I have one class that is a 3.5 hour lecture from 4pm till 7:30pm - that is a bit much all at once, but hey only one time a week! Hope school is going well for all!


i’m screwed in school…got like 3 essays due 2morrow and i haven’t even started any…life goes on

thx mdipi…i’ll rule Random with an Iron Fist! unless Phil bans me again…bad bad phil :bad: :bad: :bad:

i got back to school today. sucks.

Mak…sucks to be you, but I’ll be joinning you pretty soon when the term papers are assigned. :-\

sucks to be you, i know i know, sucks to be you, i know its true

dam EG…you got that song playing in my head now…:frowning: ;(

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**sucks to be you, i know i know, sucks to be you, i know its true

dam EG…you got that song playing in my head now…:frowning: ;( **

HA HA! said like Nelson :stuck_out_tongue:

Sry I havnt been posting. School… @#$…#$@#ing @#$ =)

I was in one of those apatethic moods where I knew I had to do work on the site, but I couldn’t quite get the initiative to start =) I am almost done writing some tutorials for Swift 3D V3, and that has kept me busy.

Kirupa :ub:

Well I’m here most of the time. Thanks to the wonder that is the works’ broadband internet connection I can stay on here almost all day in the name of “research”.

I love my job. :beam:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**HA HA! said like Nelson :stuck_out_tongue: **

I see everybody saying “HA HA” so I just have to say it out loud! It’s “HAW HAW” :stuck_out_tongue:

and I have noticed the quietness around here too!

Well I’m glad you guys are posting again, I was beginning to here crickets around here. :geek: