Where is everyone getting the hecka cool full body smilies?!
(the ones in MDIPI’s footer, RenGirl’s footer, etc…) THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!
Where is everyone getting the hecka cool full body smilies?!
(the ones in MDIPI’s footer, RenGirl’s footer, etc…) THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!
u can do it urself it is really easy
im waiting to have some freee time to create my own but im really busy
ok! thanks… phil… thread above. Ok! Got it! Ill look
i r teh pixel f3ri3!! PR33R M3
Originally posted by Phil Jayhan
I know, I want one too-Guess I’ll have to make it…
i thought that mariofan made one for you … ?
lol, nananan
ROFLMFAO,OMG-OMG LOL… URD h4Xx0r w!fF //\4|) $K!LLZz 1111
pixel faire…i know im scared…
lmao… I would make one but I’m pixel inclined… lmao
I got one
teh pixel fairy is magical
I got my little general
Who’s general is that? [signature = “make me your general”]
me! ME!
I’M your general! =)
~nar nar
I got my little general
Ahem… You <i>do</i> know what that is a euphemism for, don’t you?
Kiit, get your mind outta the gutter!
you always tell ME to :cowboy:
What software did you all used in making those pixel smilies?
And what is the size of the work area?
Kiit, get your mind outta the gutter!
But it’s Friday! I’m allowed to be rude on Fridays.
Plus I’m a bit bored. I’ve stuck some more Internet radio on just to annoy everyone.
*Originally posted by lairusi *
**What software did you all used in making those pixel smilies?
And what is the size of the work area? **
i used microsoft paint to do my person and the flames in my sig. then brought them into photoshop to get rid of the white background to add transparency and size em down. make sure they’re gifs or the transparency wont stay.
size for my guy (average size of everyone else) is 17x36
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