Well, I’m a little ahead of myself because I am still working my way through PHP (which I doubt I will ever fully grasp because I don’t really have anything I want to create with PHP) but if I were to start learning C++, where would be the best place to start?
e.g. Tutorials from certain websites, setting myself some kind of a target, aiming to produce a simple application and then enhance it…
Are those the kind of things I should aim to do first? Where should I start?
Thanks for the links guys, I’m checking them out as I type this :). As for classes, my school doesn’t offer them, which means I would need to take them outside of school.
Due where I live, there aren’t many places that I can easily access on a weekly basis…
I also have a lot going on in my free-time as it is so for the moment, classes are out of the question :(. Hopefully I’ll be able to get a good foothold just working from these websites.
I’ll make sure to do that :). Thanks for your very kind offer thoriphes :thumb:.
I’ve had a little read through some of the basic introductions to C++ on those two websites and it all seems to be going pretty smoothly :beam:. I’ve got some simple (well, I hope so ;)) application ideas lined up just to see if I’m on the right track but I’m definitely going to need to do a little more reading first…