Where you live (photo)

So what is it like where you live? Show a picture!

This doesnt have to be your house specifically (after all we know how many stalkers are here on this forum ;)) but maybe a picture of your neighborhood or some houses/things in the area. Something which will give everyone an idea of your surroundings.

This what you see after stepping out my front door:

I don’t have any photos of my area :frowning: I don’t have a digi cam or a scanner either :frowning:

■■■■ Sen, are you just gathering information on all of use or what!!??


I’m a little nervouse!

Heres some of the pictures of Bangalore… taken by … Dont know who ? lol… but neverthless, tats bangalore…
These are some of the few software companies in my neibhourhood. A total of about 56 S/W companies situated only in this area… called…KORAMANAGLA…:slight_smile:
This is the place where my office is situated, well I am starting on the 3rd of feb… as a trainee … in one of the many offices here… called Impelsys …
Click on the Image on the bottom right … to see the Place … :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Damn Sen, are you just gathering information on all of use or what!!??


I’m a little nervouse! **

<– stalker :evil:

This is my garden, viewed from the top. :bounce:

  • Soul :goatee:

thats pretty Soul :slight_smile:

im stepping out today
to get some good ol pics of Wellington:geek:
ill show you how much possibilites for fun there are:sure:

Yeh it is a pretty english country garden, in good old sunny england! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :goatee:

Dude soul are you like royalty??That is hella beautiful…Is that your house??? ■■■■ rich kids :smirk:

lol royalty :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup, Lord Danny

lol its the garden, the house is behind the camera.

  • Soul :goatee:

i took these off my 16-storey high balcony lol :P… they were taken in summer time thought… now its all covered with snow…

Oooo I wish I was in Canada, my favourite place :beam:

What do you guys thing of the english by the way?
Curious to know, and the americans too. Whats the general opinion of us over the other side of the Atlantic?

  • Soul :goatee:

Philadelphia, PA




The beauty brings a tear to my eye Lost lol :beam:

  • Soul :goatee:

Hey ahmed - I live in London Ontario, I have been to that Ikea many, many times :slight_smile: What a great place!

Lost - you should send that in to National Geographic - that’s just breathtaking…

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Philadelphia, PA

http://libweb.hawaii.edu/ttp/ttp_jpg/243101.jpg **

lol, there are SOME pretty places in philly :wink:
… somewhere…

… so Ive heard…

…havent found one yet…

…its good just to pretend…


*Originally posted by senocular *
**lol, there are SOME pretty places in philly :wink:
… somewhere…

… so Ive heard…

…havent found one yet…

…its good just to pretend…

:beam: **

Yes there are, but they are the suburbs. Places like Bucks County and stuff.

LOL LostinBeta, how nice Philadelphia is… I was expecting perhaps some aids infested homosexuals raping a dog while robbing a liquor store, but a trash dump probably sums it up a lot better.

Soul, if that was my backyard, i’d buy a laptop so i could be outside as much as possible…

I’d post a pic of my little sh*t-hole of a town, but there are laws against photographing meth-labs without prior consent…

If you truly want the Farmersville experience, make everyone in your neighborhood forget to mow their lawns, and see to it that all trash is always thrown out of car windows… :sigh: