Which bad habit always win over you?

for me its Biting Nails…i just cant stop i wish i could :frowning:

I can easily polish off a bottle of wine surfing the net and watching downloaded shizzle.

thinking optimistically and winding up with a reality slap

Is reviving reeeeeaallly old threads a bad habit? :lol:

@randomagain - Oh yeah? Well, quitters never win. :smirk: I’m not shortening the lifespan of future generations. Just the current one.

@motionman95 - For ‘losers’ you say?? How dare you! The only people who can call me a ‘loser’ is my parents, my brother, my priest and psychologist… but you??? Unforgivable!

Thinking I know more than I do, so I stop studying and play games.



Since the last time I post I gave up Tetrahyrocarbanonol and drinking. Still smoke and I’m still lazy as hell.

Shh… Big Brother is in ur forums, readin ur posts… :look:

(Is paranoia a bad habit?)

Always had a bad habit of sleeping really late and only getting about 5 hours sleep, some times even less…been doing it since around 1995 (when i got my first own computer, :slight_smile: ) Also have a predictable habit of being just on time or being slightly late. and oh yeah the ever so popular severe procrastination.


Do i need to say more?

Same here…somehow lately I never manage to go to sleep earlier than 4am. I believe life is too short to spend it sleeping.
And procrastination…sometimes I wish I could clone myself so I could either kick myself when I postpone things…or pass what I have to do to the clone.
Smoking, well, I’ve never tried to quit…I like to consider it a guilty pleasure instead of a bad habit.

Drawing toooooo much

biting my nails too

does smoking count??

Chips & salsa…

Biting nails remains an issue for me. I also have been told that I bite my teeth when I’m thinking :stuck_out_tongue: