Which layout?

Ok, I made a layout for a client. They liked it but they wanted a wood type theme… so I made a wood type theme… they like it, but I’m kind of skeptical…

so here are the two layouts:

Layout 1.

Layout 2.

:cool: :beam: :sigh: :q: :bandit:

well the first is much better - the second is way to dark and dreary. If you want a good tute on how to make some cool wood textrues let me know.

I really the first one :slight_smile:

yeah if you got good tuts let me know.


go here man


there are like 8 pages of fantstic tutorials all laid out great.

the first one is waaaay better than the 2nd. The 2nd actually
looks like it was from a tutorial itself.


I actually made that myself completely… i like the texture but the layout doesn’t mesh very well and unfortunately there isn’t a really good way to make that mesh…

I think probably the first one. At least it’s light. The second one is just too much.

And it all depends what it’s for.

Hey Jubba,

Imo i like the first one. The colours go well and it keeps it fresh looking.

Be sure to let us see once you’ve got it completed, i’d like to see how it turns out!

:love: ~ Seretha

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**go here man


there are like 8 pages of fantstic tutorials all laid out great. **

Yes… But are the tutorials there good? :stuck_out_tongue:

i tot the 2nd one was better… at least when i look at it… it is not just some simple shape and colour design to the website…
unless of course you are going to make them a flash site… then the first one would suit a flash interface more…

1 is cleaner…

The 1st one is way better… the wood doesnt go with the layout of the website

Number 1, for two reasons.

A.) Better colors, and cleaner design.

B.) It’s number 1! Heh

Jubba I don’t know if you are trying to get your client away from the wood look idea (which may be a good thing) but if they are set on it (which they sometimes are) I believe that there is a built in action in photoshop- if not I know you can download some good ones from somewhere.
If you would like any more information about that let me know. Good start on the layouts.

hey jubba, i like the first one the best :slight_smile:

but they both look good.