Which one do you like?

These are three different versions of a concept for a banner for a client.

I’m just curious, if you were going to put one of these on your website (getting a commision on each sale) which one would you rather see?

click here

thanks in advance for your opinions,


I voted 3, the first one is too plain, the 2nd one looked funny with the car turning around, but the third one looked good with all the cars facing the same direction. And… is that easing? :wink: :wink: :slight_smile:

Yes, that is mouse follow with easing (I think it is Ilyas’ tut) and Ilyas’ random color tut as well…

then with a shape tween on the mask (friends of Ed)…

Thanks for the tuts… even for the ones I haven’t got around to yet. You guys make it easy to learn the new syntax.


ooh, almost forgot…

on the 1st version, I was trying to see how minimal I could get it (if the client wants under 20k)…


thanks Unca Philbo!

glad to see you at light speed finally…

I guess I will have to find another dial up tester… :-\


:frowning: That tutorial was my tutorial :frowning:

The random color tutorial was Ilyas’.

thanks. Sorry, I didn’t remember which one I had used… I should’ve known :x

It is a very nicely written tut, thanks again.


I voted number 2, don’t know exactly why, but I just liked it more. :-\ I guess like the beetle being flipped.:-\

LOL, alright, I will let you off the hook this time. I will just pretend and tell myself that you thought Ilyas wrote it because it was so well written that you assumed he wrote it. :wink:

lost: actually, I did the random color this morning, so it was fresh in my head…

it’s tough being an old fart…



I agree, I liked the car being reversed…

we will see what the client says…

thanks for playing!


<< Dial Up User >>

Yes unfortunately…

thanks marz…

do you think it broadcasts the same impression as the others?

just curious…
