Which screen resolution is best?

9%, but one has to consider who visits.

As for the stats page I would question the validity of it given where it gets its stats from. (who is going to opt in but the net savy, and who are their users)

If Kirupa was to resgister there it would tell him that 98% of his users are 1024*768 or better. But then given the people that come here that wouldn’t be suprising.

Most OEM’s dont bother changing screen res, most people have know idea what screen res is. Yeah people who are computer savy, play games, or design know about it, but most dont.

Even if those stats where accurate, would you want to ignore 30% of your viewers right off the bat ? (given that it is more than likely higher than that)

If I were lazy, or there wasn’t enough money in it…
Just make it 750450 100%.
It will look nice and small on a 1024
768, it will look huge and kinda funny at 800*600.
But as long as it fits on their screen, if they are to dumb to change there res then stuff them :slight_smile: