While loop

can someone open up this .fla and tell my why they think it isnt working…
theres the wierd little chain thing doesnt start from the right spot and i dunno how to fix that

ehmm … yeah … where’s the fla? :stuck_out_tongue:

wow… that would probably help

why don’t you use for loops ??

for (init; condition; next) {


for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
	duplicateMovieClip(particle_mc, "particle"+i+"_mc", i);

and everything seems fine to me … ?? :-\

if you mean that the original particle_mc doesn’t move at all … it’s because it’s not included in your code.

i’d say place it out of the stage or set its _visible property to false :slight_smile:

particle_mc._visible = false;

hope it helps =)