Hello guys,am Ravi,basically a .net developer.I was asked to design a whiteboard for our site and i started up with asp.net pages,and wsnt that succesfull due to complications in it.Then i tried VB.net and wasnt that much hit off!Later,one of my friend sent me a flash file which had whiteboard in it.Its really cool and i liked it;) .It has all features except pencil and dynamic text.I used it in my aspx page as an object and the .swf file worked well.But,the problem now is,iam not able to use it on screeb sharing basis,i.e,If a teacher,for example draws something on it,it mus be reflected for a student using the same pages sitting somewhere else!!Iam really new to flash and dont know wat lies behind it and how to configure this one!Iam herte with sending my flash file.PLEASE HELP ME INTO THIS!Am in trouble guys:*( ,Its really urgent!Thanx in advance…You guys rock!
Here is the link to download that file: