Who Am I? Yes - No Game

it’s all good, don’t worry about it

Okay I’ll jump in and take Adams place.

Who am I?

whoever you like

// oh I get it

are you a male?

lol ask me some questions I know who I am

I did, read it again: are you a male?


what is your claim to fame

you can only ask yes or no questions

unless I get a yes, go read the origanal rules :wink:

I’m a good looking well liked womanizer

that’s helpful, have you been in any movies recently

not to my knowledge but then again I’m not very bright

have you ever been in a movie?

yes I’ve been in at least one movie

what was your first movie?

ugh, does anybody else see the 30 second rule way! to much? :cop:

lol yea the thirty second rule sucks for this

I can’t remember but I’ve been on a Soap Opera

Also, I almost had an acting job as a stand in for a really famous person (it was a shower scene)

that’s not very helpful lol, are you a comedian?

no I’m not a comedian, but I’m so dumb that I get laughed at a lot. The women really do love me though

are you in many movies?

no I mostly do TV. My claim to fame was a role I played on a Soap Opera (I was a doctor on the show)

Free hint: I like to eat and I love Baywatch :lol: