Who Am I? Yes - No Game

Ok here are the rules. A person picks a mystery person. Must be well known.

Next person asks a descriptive question about another well known person.

Were you at the battle of Falkirk?

If can name a person that was at the battle, ie No. I am not william wallace then the net person has to try and stump me. If I am stumped and can’t answer the question, then the stumper get’s to ask a yes / no question ie.

Someone asks: Are you Female?

I say: No

//we now now my person is male.

Then we continue with people trying to stump the mystery person and then ask more yes no questions. Until the person guesses the right person. Had I chose william wallace and the person asked if I was at the battle of falkirk I would have to say yes I was, and they get to ask a yes no question.

Let’s get this game going. I have my person.

Did you do anything really crazy in your lifetime?

I think this game has died, grinch :smiley: Unless you want to start a new one.

Haha, sorry, didn’t know!
Sure let’s start a new one! You make.

ok, I’ve got mine, ask away

Are you bigger than a breadbox? :smiley:

lol…yes, I guess you get a non yes/no question :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s cool - I meant it more as a joke cuz that’s what everyone always asks during 20 questions . . .

So here’s another instead.

Are you female? :wink:

No, I’m not Betty Ford

are you famous?


you get a non yes/no question :smiley:


Have you been in the news recently?

no I’m not Marlon Brando :frowning:


are you an actor?

no, I’m not shirley temple

//RR, you get a non yes/no question

not in the news recently
not an actor


no, I’m not Jean Cretien //stupid ex-Canadian PM

not in the news recently
not an actor
not a politician

Game-show host?

are you a singer?

no, I’m not Monte Hall

not in the news recently
not an actor
not a politician
not a game show host