no, I’m not a brittney, no I’m not really a politician, but a weird person might consider me one, I’m not a sports star, can’t think one sorry
I’m female
I’m not an actress
not a singer
not a politician
not a sports star
are you bill clinton’s wife?
Are you over 20?
are you a white girl?
no, I’m not bill clinton’s wife (what’s her name again :tie: )
yes, you get a no yes/no question
yes, you get a non yes/no question
What was/is your claim to fame?
Are you over 40?
I lead thousands of men into war and was a great leader, I think
joan of arc?
YES! ADAM wins, that was way to easy lol, I did that intentionally though
woo hoo!!! ok, I’m ready if you wanna start guessing I thought joan of arc was like 14 when she lead them into battle?
yeah, are you male?
what’s your claim to fame
// it seemed to work pretty well
darn work is getting in the way of following this thread.
Are you alive?
My brain
good brain
good brain
are you einstein?
bp -