
for ppl who’s drunk, don’ try to visit this forum, the letter seem HUGE!!

I mean, even at size (whatever), they look 10 feet tall!!

or… maybe it’s jst me… hm… burp

now where’s my juice…?

haha…its funny how drunk you are but at least it gives me a chance to poke you with a stick and NOT run away.

pokes eilsoe with a sitck

[SIZE=3]when[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]your drunk[/SIZE], [SIZE=5]the text really looks bigger?[/SIZE]

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**Gimme the bottle, Im not going to hurt you, now come on, loosen that tight, dead phisted grip… **

It’s MY bottle… wino! :stuck_out_tongue:

NEVER take my bottle…

::strokes bottle… of whatever::

Btw, my name IS christian… but I asume you alredy know that… see the spelling boo-boo’s??

I MEANt to do those… really, I did!!


who wants to make me a pixel stick?

Honey…give ME that bottle :slight_smile: You drunk monkey :wink:

Here you go Fez! :beam: One stick…

  • Soul :s:

Where do you het these things from? Is this the wood that the spoon was made from? :slight_smile:


Er… Stick. Made of wood, Like a wooden spoon…

I’ll get me coat. :stuck_out_tongue:

[SIZE=1]PM too…[/SIZE]

runs to PMs

why a coat?

It’s more of my freaky English. It just means that I made a rubbish joke and I’ll be leaving now. :stuck_out_tongue:

It could even just be a southern saying… Soul, you heard of that phrase?


Heh glad you like it Fez :beam:

Get your coat you’ve pulled Kit? :P:P

  • Soul :s:

Oki ppl, now all move to the D&D forum adn look at my thread called “Cigarettes”… come ooooonn…

nananana i have a stick and you dont.

Coat here, ready when you are. :wink:

its mine…all mine…my precioussss…

Hehe my gifts give so much pleasure :beam:

Come on then Kit :wink:

  • Soul :s: