Why do my particles stop falling :(

Hey all,

Been helped a lot already on this forum wich is great but now i’m yet again stuck on something very basic i think :stuck_out_tongue:

You notice that their are ‘particles’ falling from the position of the mouse but for some sort of stupid reason they get stuck at a certain point in time. Can anyone help me out on this one ?

Also, the three white bars are dragable, but i want them to swing back in to place when you release them. Is this also possible with a tween ? or do i need to code something physic-like. Cause my math is not That good :stuck_out_tongue:

Grts all !

The code:

package {
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.display.*;
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;

    public class Velocity extends MovieClip {

        private var _sprite:Sprite;

        public function Velocity() {



        private function handleAddedToStage(event:Event):void {


        private function runAssets():void {
            var _dikte:Number=rand(0.1,1);

            var _ystart:Number=mouseY;
            _sprite=new Sprite  ;


            var startValue:Number=_sprite.y;
            var duration:Number=10;
            var myTween:Tween=new Tween(_sprite,"y",Bounce.easeInOut,startValue,stage.stageHeight,duration,true);
        private function rand(minimum:Number,maximum:Number):Number {
            return Math.floor(minimum+Math.random()*maximum-minimum+1);

And the code i place on timeline:

import Velocity;

var v:Velocity=new Velocity();

addChildAt (v, 0);