Im trying to create a MC where i have multiple instances of another MC in a pattern.
I tried this code:
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("vzorec_vrat", this.getNextHighestDepth());
var k:Object;
for (i = 0; i<stKasetVer; i++) {
for (j = 0; j<stKaset; j++) {
k = _root.vzorec_vrat.attachMovie("kaseta", "kaseta"+i+""+j, this.getNextHighestDepth());
k._x = i*520+presledekHor;
k._y = j*400+presledekVer;
_root.vzorec_vrat._x = zac_X;
_root.vzorec_vrat._y = 480-visinaPr;
but nothing shows up in the movie. If i simply call
_root.vzorec_vrat.attachMovie("kaseta", "kaseta_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
the instance of that MC shows up fine so something’s wrong with the way im showing mupltiple instances. But what?