I am calling 2 external swf files in my main swf file (a preloader one and my flash intro swf).
If I play the intro swf by itself it works just fine (notice that the picture frame replaces the camera):
However, if I call the main.swf inside index.html the intro.swf doesnt play fully (camera stays there and no picture frame):
This is how I am loading my swfs in main.fla…you guys see anything wrong?
*// create empty movie clips that act as containers for externally loaded SWF’s
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“loader”, 50); // put loader on level 50 above all other loaded swfs
this.createEmptyMovieClip(“intro”, 5); // put intro.swf on level 5
// initilize top left corner of both empty movie clips so they are directly above the centered stage
// create moviecliploader object and add a listener that monitors it
var my_mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
// load the following external swfs to their empty containers using the MCL object
my_mcl.loadClip(“preloader.swf”, loader);
my_mcl.loadClip(“intro.swf”, intro);
// when my_mcl is loading something it will go to the preloader.swf that was loaded and pre-cache the other swfs you’re loading
mclListener.onLoadProgress = function(target_mc:MovieClip, loadedBytes:Number, totalBytes:Number) {
// turn on preloader swf visibility
loader._visible = true;
// figure out current % downloaded and then go to that frame (out of 100) in the preloader.swf
var preloadPercent:Number = Math.round((loadedBytes / totalBytes) * 100);
loader.percentDLed.text = preloadPercent + “%”;
// when everything is loaded turn off preloader.swf and then play remaining swfs
mclListener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip) {
loader._visible = false;