In the project that I’m working on, I have under a mask (about 500x200) a movieclip with 4 pictures that are motion tweened and in the end of the mc some text motion tweened.
In the main scene I have some bouncing balls actionscripted, using some gravity formulas.
Now the problem…
When I play the swf, in the first part (the one with the pictures motion tweened) the bouncing balls are visibly slowed down (as if frame rate dropes), and I notice also that the CPU usage is quite high (85% approx.).
When the timeline arrives in the 2nd part (the one with the motion tweened text) everything is back to normal (CPU usage drops too…).
The size of the swf is 130k…the 4 imported pictures are PNG…Can I do something to fix the sluggish play in the first part?
Thank you!