Well, after playing endlessly with AE and rendering with a gazillion type of codecs, I came to the conclusion that people overlook realmedia (rm files) too much ! I know that most people think that rm files are sluggish to download (who hasn’t had a 1/2hour of ‘buffering’ for his videos) but here’s a test render I did:
Gif: 130 kb
Quicktime mov files (sorenson 3, okay quality, not the best): 165 kb
i think .mov is the most familiar App so every one has this to play your movie but .rm not familiar like .mov. i think this is the main reason to make it .mov. i don’t know the other reasons :h:.
i forgot to till you great effect. is this extra filter or how did you do this?
The realplayer has improved since then, although it’s still naggy. I am still completely blown off by its codec capabilities; find me a codec which encodes that well, and for free (divx isn’t) and i’ll kiss your feet :beam:
Yeah, I hate real player. It breaks my ballocks every time I use it. I uninstalled it not to long ago, and I haven’t looked back yet.
Not only that but the .rm format didn’t work on my computer just now, and after I closed the window (I gave up waiting after 15 seconds) the thing appeared after another 10 seconds and freezing my computer.
To some it up, realplayer sucks, and because of that all realplayer only formats suffer.
Hmm… honestly, when I think of downloading either RealPlayer or QuickTime, I cringe. I just can’t stand them. The only things I use for movies are: WinAmp ('cause its so versitile), and Occasionally a little program called VideoLAN.
I do have Windows Media Player installed, but never use it… I think I only really leave it on so I have more things to update (or something)… I never liked Windows Media Player from the beggining, and now that they’ve made it all flashy, with ver9, I loathe it more…
But I guess I’m just messed up like that.
nice effect mlk, looks like shine and 3dstroke to me, with animating the stroke start and end (actually was working on something like this not long back .)
regarding .rm codec and its player, Until recently the codec was not excepted in many application and was not able to export as rm. I believe AE now has this ability, as video/video effects are more and more widley available on the internet and within web-designs.
It was best used for streaming i believe and i agree its disadvatages were the adware and because it was such a resource hog, although i dont believe many people have not taken notice of the file format because many sites that provide a video section most always have 3 or 2 choices or video type (.rm, .mov, .wmv)
Hum you’ll still need to d/l the quicktime & realplayer apps if you want to read them, because you don’t have the codecs if they’re not installed with these apps.
Winamp is just like any other video player (and I’ve been using ZoomPlayer for several years and it’s gold), except it lags as hell and freezes up and always believes he should be the player for any video file format…
Well thanks for clearing up the RealMedia things for me guys, I just hope future versions of Flash will be able to import .rm files caus’ for me it’s still gold, despite the $hitty realplayer…
I hate having Realplayer and or Quicktime hogging my resources!
I use the Realalternative and they like. They seem to work just fine for me and they aren’t hogging my system or dropping ad-everywhere stuff.