Hi Guys
I have a difficulty on migrating into AS3. This is a very simple problem but take me 1 day trying to find out the answer.
I have 2 file: “main.swf” and “content.swf”
In “main.swf”, i use Loader to load “content.swf” into movieclip called content_mc.
SO, how to access the variable inside “content.swf”??
Here are my coding:
var contentLoader = new Loader();
contentLoader.load(new URLRequest(“content.swf”));
------------------------------------------ 1st try (cannot work):
var currentMovie:String = content_mc.variableName;
------------------------------------------ 2nd try (cannot work):
var currentMovie:String;
currentMovie = content_mc.Object(contentLoader.content).currentMC ;
trace( currentMovie);
Thanks alot… please help me
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