Why senocular flash form is not working? pls help

I want to include a flash contact form in my website, so I followed senocular’s tutorial (http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/flash_php_email.htm). Before I start to redesign it, I tested it out first to make sure it works, by creating an account in freehostia. I made an html and uploaded the source files with the html. The only details I changed from the source files is in the email.php source file — $sendTo = “my email address”; And then I open the url in freehostia, I saw the form and I tried it out. But when I checked my destination yahoo email add, the mail I supposedly sent isn’t there. :hr: Pls pls help, thanks!!!;(

P.S. If this is helpful–This is how senocular’s email.php file looks like

$sendTo = “iputmyyahooemailaddhere”;
$subject = “My Flash site reply”;

$headers = “From: " . $_POST[“firstName”] .” “. $_POST[“lastname”] . “<” . $_POST[“email”] .”>

$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST[“email”] . "

$headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST[“email”];

$message = $_POST[“message”];

mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
