From the following code, I want to hide the sub menu when the mouse is not over the main menu or sub menu. I also want to hide the sub menu on Click. Can someone please have a look the following code - especially line #198 onward.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class XmlMenu {
private var menu_xml:XML;
// typically the variable, m_parent_mc, will point to the main timeline.
// This MovieClip will end up being a container for the entire menu,
// and where you'll attach your various navigation menu MovieClip instances.
private var m_parent_mc:MovieClip;
// the m_menu_array Array holds the references to the main menu movie clips.
// This allows you to loop through each main navigation link and hide the dropdown sub-navigation if it is open.
private var m_menu_array:Array;
// Constructor, this method takes two parameters, xmlpath_str
// (which is the path to the XML file containing the navigation),
// and parent_mc (which is a reference to a movie clip/timeline
// where you'll attach your various menu items).
public function XmlMenu(xmlpath_str:String, parent_mc:MovieClip) {
this.m_parent_mc = parent_mc;
this.m_menu_array = new Array();
// call this class' initXML function which parses your XML navigation file.
// define your function which will be triggered when the XML file has completed loading.
private function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
menu_xml = XML(;
var menuXMLList:XMLList =;
var nodeXML:XML;
// create an array which contains the main navigation as well as each menu's sub-navigation links.
var menu_array:Array = new Array();
// if the XML file was successfully loaded and parsed,
// convert it into an array of objects which we can pass to the XmlMenu class' initMenu method.
var i:Number;
// for each child node in the XML file (the child nodes here are the main menu navigation items.
for each (nodeXML in menuXMLList) {
// create an empty array for sub-navigation items.
var submenu_array:Array = new Array();
// for each child node of the main menu items, append the values to our submenu_array.
var subNodeXML:XML;
for each (subNodeXML in nodeXML.children()) {
// append each sub-navigation item to our submenu_array Array.
// Our XML file specifies the navigation's label and url in attributes rather than child nodes,
// so if you modify the layout of the navigation XML file this code will need to be modified.
submenu_array.push({caption:subNodeXML.@name, href:subNodeXML.@href});
// append each menu items, and it's array of submenu items.
menu_array.push({caption:nodeXML.@name, href:nodeXML.@href, subnav_array:submenu_array});
// call the XmlMenu class' initMenu method.
// This function, initXML, takes a single parameter (xmlpath_str) and is responsible for
// loading and parsing the XML document and converting it into an array of objects.
private function initXML(xmlpath_str:String):void {
// The XML object which you will use to load and parse the XML navigation file.
menu_xml = new XML();
menu_xml.ignoreWhitespace = true;
var xmlLdr:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLdr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
// load the navigation XML file.
xmlLdr.load(new URLRequest(xmlpath_str));
// this method, initMenu, loops through the menu items and their respective
// sub navigation items and builds the movie clips.
private function initMenu(nav_array:Array):void {
// create variables which we will use to position the menu items.
var thisX:Number = 20;
var thisY:Number = 20;
var menuIndex:Number;
for (menuIndex = 0; menuIndex < nav_array.length; menuIndex++) {
// for each main menu item attach the menu_mc symbol from the library and position it along the x-axis.
var menuMC:MovieClip = new menu_mc();
menuMC.buttonMode = true;
menuMC.x = thisX;
menuMC.y = thisY;
// store the current menu item's information within the MovieClip so you
// always have a reference to the sub navigation and the current menu item's link = nav_array[menuIndex];
// add a reference to the current menu movie clip in the class' m_menu_array Array.
// set the caption on the main menu button.
menuMC.label_txt.text =;
menuMC.label_txt.selectable = false;
menuMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;
// create a new movie clip on the Stage which will be used to hold the submenu items.
var subMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
//subMC.buttonMode = true;
// set the sub menu's X and Y position on the Stage.
subMC.x = thisX;
subMC.y = menuMC.height;
// set a variable in the submenu movie clip which stores whether the current sub menu item is visible
subMC.subMenuVisible = true;
// call the hideSubMenu method which hides the sub menu item.
// within the sub menu movie clip store a reference to the menu movie clip
subMC.parentMenu = menuMC;
// hide the sub menu movie clip on the Stage.
subMC.visible = false;
// set a variable which we will use to track the current y-position of the sub-navigation items.
var yPos:Number = thisY;
var temp_subnav_array:Array =;
// for each sub menu item, attach a new instance of the link_mc MovieClip from the Library,
// set the text for the link and increment the yPos counter.
var i:Number;
for (i = 0; i < temp_subnav_array.length; i++) {
var linkMC:MovieClip = new link_mc();
linkMC.buttonMode = true;
linkMC.x = 0;
linkMC.y = yPos; = temp_subnav_array*;
linkMC.label_txt.text =;
linkMC.label_txt.mouseEnabled = false;
linkMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
yPos += linkMC.height;
// draw a slight 1 pixel drop shadow around the sub menu using the drawing API
var thisWidth:Number = subMC.width + 1;
var thisHeight:Number = subMC.height + 1;, 0);, 0);, 0, thisWidth, thisHeight);;
menuMC.childMenu = subMC;
thisX += menuMC.width;
// define the onRollOver and onRelease for each main menu item.
var j:Number;
for (j in this.m_menu_array) {
var thisMenuItem:MovieClip = m_menu_array[j];
thisMenuItem.buttonMode = true;
thisMenuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, rollOverHandler);
thisMenuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
thisMenuItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClick);
private function rollOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
private function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
private function mouseClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
target_mc.visible = false;
// the showSubMenu method displays the specified sub menu movie clip
private function showSubMenu(target_mc:MovieClip):void {
// create a reference to the current class.
var thisObj = this;
if (!target_mc.subMenuVisible) {
target_mc.visible = true;
target_mc.subMenuVisible = true;
target_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
var thisMC:MovieClip = event.currentTarget as MovieClip;
// hit test both the main menu item, and the submenu to see if the mouse is over either one of them.
var subHit:Boolean = thisMC.hitTestPoint(event.stageX, event.stageY, true);
var menuHit:Boolean = thisMC.parentMenu.hitTestPoint(event.stageX, event.stageY, true);
// if the mouse is not over the main menu or sub menu,
// hide the submenu movie clip and delete the onMouseMove event listener since we don't need it any more.
if (!((subHit || menuHit) && thisMC.subMenuVisible)) {
thisMC.removeEventListener(event.type, this);
// hide the specified sub menu Movie Clip, if it is visible.
private function hideSubMenu(target_mc:MovieClip):void {
if (target_mc.subMenuVisible) {
target_mc.visible = false;
target_mc.subMenuVisible = false;
// hide the sub menu for each menu item in the m_menu_array Array.
private function hideAllSubMenus():void {
var i:int;
for (i in this.m_menu_array) {
// toggle a specific menu's visibility.
private function toggleSubMenu(target_mc:MovieClip):void {
(target_mc.subMenuVisible) ? hideSubMenu(target_mc) : showSubMenu(target_mc);
The fla is attached.
Thanks a lot.