I am experiecing a very weird problem with window component.
There are two movieclips on stage.One with an instance name “mymov”
,and another one with an instance name “dummy”.
“dummy” has a class file ButtonManager.as attached to it through
On root timeline i have the following code:
**import mx.utils.Delegate;
function logincall() {
mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(_root, mx.containers.Window,
mymov.onPress = Delegate.create(this, logincall);**
The class file is a basic one with no functionality.It just contains:
***class ButtonManager{
As it is evident,the code in root timeline should create an instance of
Window on stage,if mymov is pressed.
But this never happens as long as ,“dummy” instance resides on the
As you can see,the “dummy” instance has nothing in common with the code
in root time line or “mymov” instance.
I do have the window component in library.
When mymov is pressed,a modal behaviour is created(see the value [COLOR=#3333FF]true[/COLOR] passed).But the component doesnt showup!!!
Why is it like this?Is this a bug? I have posted this on flash8 forum {here}