Windows projector size


I´m creating a exe projector for a project and I´m wondering if the movie would be too slow since there a lot of pictures on it. On a projector the movies are loaded just like on the web or all of them are loaded at the same time?


Flash seems to get a little bit weird when the file sizes get big, anything over 3-4 meg in my experience. Your best bet would be to divide the movie into several different movies (just graft the frames to a new movie) and then use a “LoadMovie” Script to load and unload the movies sequencially.

I doubt my files get to 1meb, so should be no problem.


On a projector file all the files are downloaded at once, since your using a projector it’s all local right? If your files are no more then a meg then you should have no problems.

processor speed is still a factor, however…

so the amount of RAM, etc will make a diff…


use scenes instead of loading movies, scenes are evil for the web but for a multimedia presentation on a cdrom its great, to save any computer from goin into processor intensive actions just make sure everything is in 1 whole projector file IE no loading external swfs and clean code :wink:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**processor speed is still a factor, however…

so the amount of RAM, etc will make a diff…

Rev **

True, but if they are all less then 1 meg and its just some photos you don’t need a whole lot of horepower under the hood to display it.