Hello everyone!
It’s been a while since I last visited this place, figured this could be a good opportunity to return.
I’ve been working on this project for college with another two friends of mine, and it’s far from completed, but I think it has most of the basic mechanics integrated.
What it is, you ask? Apart from the cheesy name, which will soon be gone, hopefully, it’s basically a point-and-click RPG experience, designed for anything between 1 and 3 players (whoaaa, 3 players?! more like, over 9000). We wanted not to be over ambitious and jump into a too big of a pot. Like I said, it’s roughly past the testing phase, and will soon enter the content creation phase (story, quests, etc.).
While it doesn’t have a minimap (yet), trust me when I say that the “world” is comprised out of 9 squared, and you start in the middle square. So you can go North, South, West, East, and then you have another two directions after that. I tried to integrate the interface elements into the existing structure, to make it more streamlined, but there are still a lot of elements to be implemented. The gray dude can offer a quest, which can be completed over and over again, and near the yellow straws (cough crops cough) there are 3 enemies, which will respawn if you leave and re-enter the zone.
The code for the “multiplayer” side of the project is written, but I have yet to implement it. Things will really change once that is accomplished. This still needs a complete menu, a complete story and more gameplay ideas.
The boiled down version of the story goes like this: You’re a happy, peaceful citizen of the World of Tetris, a world where you’re made out of Tetris blocks, the buildings are made of Tetris blocks, even the Tetris blocks are made from Tetris block (good one, eh? :-/). “La vie en rose” ends when suddenly, without any warning, your world is invaded by the evil… here it comes… Spheres! Which sphere-efy everything. You and your friends (or just you) have taken faith into your own hands, and want to prevent your world from becoming a boring, dull, ball.
Features (implemented or not):
- All of the classic RPG elements, of course.
- Each type of class (red, blue, yellow) will have certain special abilities. When you level up, you can choose to perfect your current ability, or learn a new one, from a different class type. Upon doing so, your color will slightly change, depending on the level of that certain ability, in relation to your base skill. So if you’re blue, but you have a lot of yellow abilities, you’ll be a greenish dude.
- Multiple types of quests: Apart from the classic quests taken from quest givers (doh
), I wanted to implement something that would be a reminder of the early stages of the genre, which I call “world quests”. They’re basically spontaneous opportunities that go like this: “You encounter a massive sphere! Killing it will improve your…whatever. Do you want to: Kill it / Run away ?”
- Finally, I created a map editor, so that users can create and save their own maps. The system isn’t fully integrated, as in you can’t load your maps, for now, but the map editor works.
I’m really sorry, this is a long read, but I guess I wanted to make up for the fact that there isn’t a LOT to look at, for now, opposed to how I see the project in my mind, with everything implemented and working. Finally, here are some screenshots, if you’re bored already, and don’t want to check out the file itself.
Link to the game: http://tiny.cc/gameswf
Link to the map editor: http://tiny.cc/editorswf