Wireless Keyboards

Burn 'em. Burn 'em in hell I say.

I bought a wireless keyboard and mouse thing about a month ago and had nothing but trouble with them. The mouse is all jittery, the keyboard doesn’t pick up every other key press. I’ve got the dratted receiver right next to the pair of them, but ooo no.

Then the keyboard dies in the middle of an EQ2 battle. No warning, just will not do a thing. So I run out in the pouring rain at 8pm on a Saturday to find some batteries for it to fix the problem. Find some, put them in, but lo and behold, it’s still banjoed.

For the record, I also tried thumping the receiver against the wall bemoaning my lot and begging for it to work, but that didn’t work either.

Sunday morning I went out and bought a corded keyboard.

It works fine.