Work Presentation

Dear all,

I’m about to present my end year project but wondering what is the best way to do a Flash Presentation to the lectureres? We are doing some role-plays to mimic the actual buyers/sellers market. I have a few questiosn to all the veteran out there.

  1. How do we present our ideas to the clients? Do we have to do an animated mockup for the clients to convey our ideas? Will that be veyr time consuming to do a mockup for the client?

Or we can sketch down our ideas on papers and explain it to the clients?

  1. During the course of the project, how often do we have to update our clients and how to update them? By doing a weekly presentations?

  2. How long does it take to complete a flash project in the real market?

  3. What is the best way to present a flash project to the client?

… etc

Thanks for all the help and appreciate any input and suggestions. Thanks in advacne for sharing your experience.

Look forward to hear from you!
