I have modified a Flash PHP mail form. Rather than email I would like it to write to a database
Or is there already available scripts that will accomplish what I want, ie just pass data to a database, not email it
Below is the script it currently uses
//edit this line to include the email address of the form recipient between the quotation marks
//for example: $formrecipient = "[EMAIL="you@youremail.com"]you@youremail.com[/EMAIL]";
$formrecipient = "";
$headerStyle = $_POST["headerStyle"];
$titleStyle = $_POST["titleStyle"];
$bodyStyle = $_POST["bodyStyle"];
$heading = $_POST["heading"];
$headerFont = $_POST["headerFont"];
$headerSize = $_POST["headerSize"];
$headerColor = $_POST["headerColor"];
$bodyFont = $_POST["bodyFont"];
$bodySize = $_POST["bodySize"];
$bodyColor = $_POST["bodyColor"];
$orderArray = $_POST["orderArray"];
$varArray = $_POST["varArray"];
$layout = $_POST["layout"];
$titleFont = $_POST["titleFont"];
$titleSize = $_POST["titleSize"];
$titleColor = $_POST["titleColor"];
if($formrecipient == "")
$recipientEmail = $_POST["recipientEmail"];
$recipientEmail = $formrecipient;
$Subject = $_POST["Subject"];
$fromName = $_POST["fromName"];
$fromEmail = $_POST["fromEmail"];
$lineSpacing = $_POST["lineSpacing"];
$spamTest = $fromName;
$spamTest = urldecode($spamTest);
if (eregi("\r",$spamTest) || eregi("
die("Attempted spam!!!");
$spamTest = $fromEmail;
$spamTest = urldecode($spamTest);
if (eregi("\r",$spamTest) || eregi("
die("Attempted spam!!!");
$spamTest = $Subject;
$spamTest = urldecode($spamTest);
if (eregi("\r",$spamTest) || eregi("
die("Attempted spam!!!");
$badStrings = array("content-type:",
foreach($_REQUEST as $k => $v){
foreach($badStrings as $v2){
$vlower = strtolower($v);
if(strpos($vlower, $v2) !== false){
echo"HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden";
$parseLinks = true;
$headerStyleOpen = "";
$headerStyleClose = "";
$titleStyleOpen = "";
$titleStyleClose = "";
$bodyStyleOpen = "";
$bodyStyleClose = "";
if($headerStyle == "bold-underline") {
$headerStyleOpen = "<b><u>";
$headerStyleClose = "</u></b>";
} else if($headerStyle == "underline") {
$headerStyleOpen = "<u>";
$headerStyleClose = "</u>";
} else if($headerStyle == "bold") {
$headerStyleOpen = "<b>";
$headerStyleClose = "</b>";
if($titleStyle == "bold-underline") {
$titleStyleOpen = "<b><u>";
$titleStyleClose = "</u></b>";
} else if($titleStyle == "underline") {
$titleStyleOpen = "<u>";
$titleStyleClose = "</u>";
} else if($titleStyle == "bold") {
$titleStyleOpen = "<b>";
$titleStyleClose = "</b>";
if($bodyStyle == "bold-underline") {
$bodyStyleOpen = "<b><u>";
$bodyStyleClose = "</u></b>";
} else if($bodyStyle == "underline") {
$bodyStyleOpen = "<u>";
$bodyStyleClose = "</u>";
} else if($bodyStyle == "bold") {
$bodyStyleOpen = "<b>";
$bodyStyleClose = "</b>";
function makeClickableLinks($text) {
$text = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="[\\1">\\1</a>'](file://\\1">\\1</a>'), $text);
$text = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])([www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]+)', '\\1<a href="[URL="http://\\2">\\2</a>'"]http://\\2">\\2</a>'](http://www.), $text);
$text = eregi_replace('([_\.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,3})','<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>', $text);
return $text;
if($heading != null && $heading != "") {
$message = "<html><body><font face=\"".$headerFont."\" size=\"".$headerSize."\" color=\"".$headerColor."\">";
$message .= $headerStyleOpen.$heading.$headerStyleClose."</font><br><font face=\"".$bodyFont."\" size=\"".$bodySize."\" color=\"".$bodyColor."\">";
} else {
$message = "<html><body><font face=\"".$bodyFont."\" size=\"".$bodySize."\" color=\"".$bodyColor."\">";
$arrOrder = explode(",",$orderArray);
$finalArray = array();
$fullFields = explode("~|~",$varArray);
foreach ( $fullFields as $val ) {
$divideFields = explode("*|*",$val);
if($divideFields[1] != "undefined") {
if($parseLinks) {
$fieldValue = makeClickableLinks(stripslashes($divideFields[1]));
} else {
$fieldValue = stripslashes($divideFields[1]);
array_push($finalArray, array($divideFields[0],$fieldValue));
for ($i = 0; $i < count($finalArray); $i++) {
if(is_string($finalArray[$i][0])) {
$place = array_search ($finalArray[$i][0], $arrOrder);
if(!$place) {
if($finalArray[$i][0] == $arrOrder[0]) {
$arrOrder[0] = $finalArray[$i];
} else {
array_push($arrOrder, $finalArray[$i]);
} else {
$arrOrder[$place] = $finalArray[$i];
for ($a = 0; $a < count($arrOrder); $a++) {
if( !is_array( $arrOrder[$a] ) ){
$finalArray = array();
$finalArray[0] = $arrOrder[$a];
$finalArray[1] = " ";
$arrOrder[$a] = $finalArray;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrOrder); $i++) {
for($b = 0; $b < $lineSpacing; $b++) {
$message .= "<br />";
$varValue = $arrOrder[$i][1];
$varValue = str_replace("\r", "<br />", $varValue);
if($layout == "style2") {
$message .= "<font face=\"".$titleFont."\" size=\"".$titleSize."\" color=\"".$titleColor."\">".$titleStyleOpen.$arrOrder[$i][0].":".$titleStyleClose."</font><br />".$bodyStyleOpen.$varValue.$bodyStyleClose."<br />";
else if($layout == "style3") {
$message .= "<font face=\"".$titleFont."\"size=\"".$titleSize."\"color=\"".$titleColor."\">".$titleStyleOpen.$arrOrder[$i][0].":".$titleStyleClose."</font><br /><br />".$bodyStyleOpen.$varValue.$bodyStyleClose."<br />";
else {
$message .= "<font face=\"".$titleFont."\" size=\"".$titleSize."\" color=\"".$titleColor."\">".$titleStyleOpen.$arrOrder[$i][0].":".$titleStyleClose."</font> ".$bodyStyleOpen.$varValue.$bodyStyleClose;
$message .= "</font></body></html>";
$message = wordwrap($message, 72);
$headers = "From: ".$fromName." <".$fromEmail.">
$headers .= "Reply-To: ".$fromName." <".$fromEmail.">
$headers .= "Return-Path: ".$fromName." <".$fromEmail.">
$success = mail($recipientEmail, $Subject, $message, $headers."MIME-Version: 1.0
"."Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
if($success) {
$emailsent = "sent";
} else {
$emailsent = "notsent";
print "&submittedVar=".$emailsent;